September 28, 2010

the truth

nk tw cte?
i da xde pape da ngn dye..
kteorg da clash..
actually, on anniversary ktorg da break..
then cpl blik after 3days..
as usual.. msti cpl blik..
but this time, ktorg btol2 da xde pape..
dye ckp i da brubah..
i xfhm dye just besause dye maen bola..
but kalo i btol2 xfhm mnat dye utk maen bola, np i bg jgak kan?
hmm. ntah la.. xtw nk ckp ape..
myb, i je yg akn update blog ni..
idts that dye akn on ag utk update psl ktorg..
mmg btol ktorg jrg on da..
sbb msg2 bz..
dye ngn bola..
i plak stdy..
xpe la.
kalo ade mse i akn update ag blog ni..
any news bout us, i yg akn update...
next story i akn cte japg..
pnjg cket la cte.
coz so many things happen btween us..

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