September 30, 2010

couple or not?

serezly... i plik sgt ngn mirul...
i xtw sme de btol2 nk kt i or what..
skjap cmtu, skjap cmni..
ntah la.. xfhm sgt...
yg i PALING trse..
ble i tye ddye psl fb dye tuh..
kalo xnk i on, gtw jela..
i pn bkn nye sllu on9 fb dye tu..
baik i stdy...
huhh.... nmpk mcm sye still sorok kn somthing dr i...
tp i xnk la pk yg bkn..
he's still the one that i love what eva it is kan...
arrrrrrgggghhh..... tension btol la...
xske jd canie..
baik i anggap dye bkn bf i je sng...

always love,
lya <3

September 29, 2010

just waiting..

mornig all.. :)
am i ok? ntah! ahaha..
actually, xde niat pn nk update pgi2 canie..
but class da cancel.. then scre kbtulan je la i online..
i bru lpas on fb td..
and... dye anta msg kt fb...
dye ckp nye xde niat pn nk wat i cam ni
(myb mksd dye, dye xnk de niat nk skt kn hti i la kot?)
ntah la.. xtw nk ckp ape ag..
i pnat sgt ble bnde canie jd..
ngan kwn yg xgne sorg kt uitm ni la..
ngn stdy la... hmm..
pape hal pn i ttap pntg kn dye lbey dr sume tu..
sbb bg i, kalo dye ok, i akn ade smgt utk stdy...
tp ble bnde jd canie..
i have to be strong.. kne la handle sume ni sorg2..
kt spe ag i kn brgntg kan?
xkn nk cte kt mama... nnt mama ckp 'bia kan je la..
awk focus kt stdy awk.'
nk focus mmg bley.. tp da kalo tiap2 hri tgk mke dye..
spe x skt hti kn? hmm.. ntah la..
mcm2 hal la.. xtw nk wat ape da..
sampy kn i sndri tekad delete dye dr friend list i kt fb..
np? sbb everytime i on, i akn tgk dye nye update..
kalo dye tw msti dye ag bnci kn i kan?
hehe.. tp i kne wat cmtu utk lpe kan dye..
hm... tp kalo da dye ckp yg i ni nyusah kan dye...
wat pe ag kan i nk amek tw psl dye..
wat sedey ag ade la..
ble i lri dr mslh ktorg, i akn sllu bg alsn....
sbb i xnk keruh kan keadaan..
tp xtw la dye tw ke x..
ag pn dye trllu baik utk i..
mgkin mmg i ni jnis yg trok kot..
yela.. dlu cp smpy 3 org skli gus..
trok x trok sgt la..
hmm... i'm so sorry wat i have done you all of you..
take care, be strong, Allah always with you

always love,

p/s: listening to ana raffali-tolong ingatkan aku while typing this blog.. just for him..


him ?

let me tell u..
ok.. it just happen..
i dont know wat time..
i cll him..
a few times...
but when he answer it, he is in the bank
withdraw his money...
how much? i cant tell you.. sorry..
hmm... xpe la kan...
then ble dye da msok kete..
i ask him why he did all this things to me..
the answer is, he has to...

and the latest is..
dye ckp yg i ni btol2 nyusah kan dye spnjg ktorg cpl..
and thats y lar dye tkar email ngn password dye...
serezly..i mmg sedey sgt..
but i have to be a strong girl..
i have too... without him...
i love him.. since the day i accept him on our first day...
but he doesn't know bout dat..
i'm sorry mirul...
the thing dat i know is..
i love you so fucking damn much!
and i'm afraid losing you in my life...
i really mean it..

always love,

September 28, 2010


actually, xtw nk mule dr mne..
hmm... bnde ni jd smlm..
dye ckp kt kwn dye yg i xfhm dye..
serezly i plik gyler np dye ckp cmtu..
sdg kn i yg lbih fhm dye kalo nk d bndig kn ape yg dye fhm i..
dye ckp i x fhm mnat dye utk maen bola..
ok, imagine la kan.. kalo btol i xfhm mnat dye utk maen bola,
knpe i bg jgak dye maen?
ok, mayb dye mksd kn yg i sllu ckp dye xde mse utk i..
cbe la pk blik.. ble bln pose lpas, dye training ptg or mlm..
ok, xkesah la kn? if dye training ptg, dye akn jge kdai wktu mlm..
tp xkn dye xle nk msg lgsg kn? ble i cll plak, sllu cm xnk ckp je pn..
spe x sdih kan? nme je ade bf, tp mcm xde..
kwn i sndri prasan yg i da jrg ngn fon.. xkesah la.. myb dye bz...
then ble dye blik kje, sllu nye dye akn least skjap pn jd la..
tp mslh nye, lgsg xde cll.. msg plak juz anta, 'syg, b da blik.luv u'
x boley ke kalo dye tye i tgh wat pe?
ape yg ssah sgt? i ke yg fhm dye??
then, ble soh dye kjut kn pgi2, dye jnji je lbey..
tp lgsg xcll.. slmt la i da wat alarm utk bgn tdo..
but still, i xckp pape pn.. i juz mjok je ngn dye..
n dye wat cm dye x bslh, n acting like it doesn't happen...
skit hti x? msti la skit kn?
kalo dlu bley plak dye ckp yg dye bslh.. xpe la.. although skt hti dgr, tp dye ngaku..
but now, lgsg xde.. am i sill the one yg xfhm dye????
ble tye dye ade prblm ke x, dye ckp xde..
but i dpt tw yg actually dye mmg ade mslh...
spe i dlm hdup dye? kalo btol i pntg, np dye wt cm i wjud??
then dye i anta msg tye psl ni, dye xde plak jwb..
da r smlm dye ckp xde kdt nk cll.. ok.. xpe la.. xnk ckp pape..
myb sbb dye xde duet nk topup.. then i tdo la..
then ble i trjge smlm, i ade la try cll dye and guess what?
the word 'waiting call' juz blow up on my screen..
does he know wat i feel that tym?
when i call it again and again, it can't be reach anymore..
then ble i da smbg tdo blik, bru la dye trhegeh2 nk cll i blik..
ok mayb his number is not on my screen, but it from maxis...
ade la no dye kn.. xpe la.. although dye try cll but xdpt..
but for what dye nk cll?? sdg kn dye ckp ngn i dye xde kdt???
utk ape dye tpu i? dye pnah jnji ngn i yg dye xkn tpu i ag...
mne jnji dye?? am i still the one yg bslh dlm hal ni??
u judge me.. i juz cant say anything..
1 hing i can say is,
i miss him.. a lot...
and only Allah know how i feel ryte now...
b, i'm sorry what i have done to you..
i juz want u to be beside me when i need u..
thnx for everything..
thats all...

the truth

nk tw cte?
i da xde pape da ngn dye..
kteorg da clash..
actually, on anniversary ktorg da break..
then cpl blik after 3days..
as usual.. msti cpl blik..
but this time, ktorg btol2 da xde pape..
dye ckp i da brubah..
i xfhm dye just besause dye maen bola..
but kalo i btol2 xfhm mnat dye utk maen bola, np i bg jgak kan?
hmm. ntah la.. xtw nk ckp ape..
myb, i je yg akn update blog ni..
idts that dye akn on ag utk update psl ktorg..
mmg btol ktorg jrg on da..
sbb msg2 bz..
dye ngn bola..
i plak stdy..
xpe la.
kalo ade mse i akn update ag blog ni..
any news bout us, i yg akn update...
next story i akn cte japg..
pnjg cket la cte.
coz so many things happen btween us..

September 4, 2010

13 days left...

want to know why?
erm... let me tell you why...
first of all..
it is almost our anniversary day..
with who? hadey..
with my beloved boyfriend la for sure kan?
his name? haih...
is it important to know his name?
i don't think so kot? ('',)?
can't wait to celebrate with him..
why? its my 1st time celebrating anniversary.. :)
before this, i'm with my ex-bf not more than 1 year..
thats why larh..

b, imy & ily so much <3